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GOOT 太洋电机产业株式会社运用“焊接技术”生产家电、手机、电脑等各种电子产品及IC等零部件。

1965年4月30日,GOOT 太洋电机产业株式会社成立。主要经营SMT关联商品、温控型电烙铁、陶瓷发热芯电烙铁、镍铬合金发热芯电烙铁、快热电烙铁、无铅焊锡对应电烙铁、SMT返修系统、回流炉、贴装系统、电烙铁台、焊嘴、焊锡、助锡膏、防烧焦剂、焊接辅助关联产品、学校教材、特殊发热芯、业余用焊锡产品等。

GOOT 太洋电机以多种类少批量为其生产体制。着力培养开发能力,根据客户需求独立生产制造焊嘴。不断研究焊嘴精密加工、成本、节能方案等独有的技术。以不断向客户提供高品质产品为其基本原则。

GOOT 太洋电机以焊接相关产品为中心不断拓展家用以及工业用领域的产品开发。运用常年积累下来的技术力和生产管理技巧不断将公司向数据化、自动化、合理化的方向推进。凭借着稳定的品质、节能、低成本等优势,主推低价格高附加值的产品。

GOOT 太洋电机的产品不仅畅销在日本国内,也畅销在其它国家。目前GOOT 太洋电机在亚洲、欧洲、大洋洲,拉丁美洲、非洲、中东等60 多个海外国家设置代理店。仍然有广阔市场有待开拓,每年新代理商不断增加.

在行业界的最前线goot 产品,拥有丰富的品种。为了永远追求完美无缺的产品,需要技术开发者的执著和生产部门、营销部门对市场产品的密切关注。 在同行业中,GOOT 太洋电机公司的设备和机器也是最先进的。全面的品质管理保证了生产技术,从而诞生了goot 名牌产品的诞生。产品开发力量和生产技术力量的和谐的搭配,使GOOT 太洋电机公司在此行业中实现了现在的地位。

From household electrical appliances to mobile phones, computers and automobiles, everything contains components that must be soldered. Soldering technology is a vital element in electronic device manufacturing. Within 25 years of its founding in 1965, Taiyo Electric had captured a 60 per cent share of Japan’s domestic market for soldering products and for almost 50 years has been providing its customers with a wide range of high quality and easy-to-use soldering products. As a leading manufacturer of soldering equipment, Taiyo is the expert in innovation, precision processing, and energy-saving methods, providing customers with top quality products.

Taiyo Electric’s goal is to manufacture the highest quality products for both the domestic and worldwide markets. Taiyo’s goot products can be found not only in Japan but throughout the world, marketed via a global network of distributors in over 60 countries, in Asia, Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, Oceania and Africa. Taiyo takes responsibility for its products from production through to customer satisfaction.

Taiyo’s technical engineers are dedicated to designing products outstanding in terms of quality and durability. Production and sales staff ensure strict quality control according to the ISO 9001 standard for the highest possible product quality and level of customer satisfaction.

The numerous companies promoting goot products both in Japan and overseas contribute to continuous improvement of Taiyo’s products by gathering market information that is fed back to enable us to design the right products to meet users’ needs. Taiyo’s head office and factory is located in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture and the Japanese sales network includes three sales offices in the three major cities of Tokyo, Osaka and Niigata. Our International marketing division in Fukuyama caters for our overseas customers on six continents.

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